
By using your Control Panel found at http://my.imaginet.co.za, you (the Subscriber) agree to Imaginet's Terms and Conditions (available at www.imaginet.co.za and upon request sent to info@imaginet.co.za) and understand the following:

Imaginet's Control Panel is a “best effort” service. We will try our best to make sure that the site is always up and running so that you can check their ADSL connections and control and keep track of your own Internet usage. We will also try our best to make sure that all of the action on your account are recorded in the log tab within 24 hours of such action taking place. This is so that you can see any changes in your account usage. We will also make the Customer Zone available to try and avoid the theft of sensitive information that you might have including, but not limited to, the username and password that you use to access Imaginet services, or the fraudulent acquisition of such information.

You are however, completely responsible for securing your own computer, network and ADSL equipment to avoid such theft of sensitive data. You are also completely responsible for any and all charges (usage or other) that come from unauthorised use of the services on your premises and/or the theft of earlier mentioned sensitive information, or the fraudulent acquisition of such information.


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